Becoming Alpha - She Alpha Co.
Empowering women to develop their vision!
We are She Alpha Co., a company that believes every woman willing to succeed should be supported by other successful women because together, we can accomplish more! Our dedication is to empower, inspire, and educate women to obtain their goals and business vision by learning the skills necessary to thrive in their careers. We have built a network of women leaders combined with workshops & programs to elevate the women in our community to continue expanding, growing, and flourish in their expertise areas.
1. How do you think being an entrepreneur has turned you into a better person?
Entrepreneurship has taught us so many lessons, but most of all, how to be resilient, patient, and persistent through times of adversity. We have both been through many journeys together and separately. Still, by becoming entrepreneurs, we have learned life skills that can only be learned through the experience of building a business. As individual beings, our perception has evolved and allowed us to connect with other women on different frequencies, which has allowed us to form new friendships, partnerships, and collaborations.
2. How did you get your idea or concept for your business?
It wasn’t so much an idea, as it was more of what we didn’t want other women to experience. Through our childhood and adulthood, we worked hard! And I mean hard! We had several jobs at once, going to school, taking paid/unpaid internships, taking care of our families. We both started working incredibly young, 14 and 15 years of age (maybe even younger), providing for our families, and not one person ever landed a guiding hand. Everything we accomplished, we learned through the power of books, research, and trial & error. We honestly believe that it made us stronger, but it also made us realize that there should be a better way for women who had similar faiths to have a support system they can count on — a place where they can go for growth and development without feeling ashamed of asking for help.
3. Can you recall a moment when you faced a roadblock in your progress but decided to push past it?
We have always had it together and always figure out a way forward. It is all that happens behinds the scenes that built us and prepared us for developing our company. Jenny experienced mental health challenges, divorce, and losing everything. Those character-building experiences pushed her over to chase the life she wanted and deserved. Many people fall behind the curveball and take those moments as setbacks that later define your life. She honestly said, “If I’m losing everything, what is stopping me from re-inventing my life the way I choose to live it?”. Fast-forward 3 years later, she is currently in Costa Rica working remotely and living a Nomadic life. Laura had a traumatic childhood which pushed her to become the best version of herself. Even from a young age, she knew she was destined for greatness and did not let her circumstances determine her outcome. She carries that with her nowadays for business and life in general.
4. How would you like people to remember you and your company?
We strive to be the women who helped impact other women’s lives. The kind of women who would do what it takes for our future generations. For all the little girls who do not have the tools to succeed, and they have that burning fire to push through. As for our company, as we continue to evolve and expand, we look forward to being the kind of company women in our communities can trust and feel a sense of sisterhood.
5. Is there anything you would like to share that we haven’t asked?
Our doors are always open, and we are looking for women to join our movement and mission. We empower you to reach out for questions, consultations, join one of our programs, and even for coffee dates with other extraordinary women. You do not have to do this alone!