Article: TRUST YOURSELF WITH MONEY - Simple ART of Saving

Build Financial Confidence
Brigitt Thompson
Author of Trust Yourself with Money: Build Financial Confidence through the Simple Art of Saving
How did you get your idea or concept for your business?
Financial struggle is a reality for many of us. The reasons we experience it are both internal and external. It’s a complex conversation to have with ourselves and each other. I’m interested in morphing financial shame into power and optimism.
I wrote my first book, “Trust Yourself with Money,” to share the story of how I tackled the process of looking at my finances, seeing a colossal mess, and sorting through the rubble to create something new. My goal is to develop tools and resources to help others who are on a similar journey.
What Was Your Biggest 'A-ha' Moment?
My biggest ‘a-ha’ moment is one that I return to frequently. I talk about it in my book. It’s the idea of self-efficacy: even if I don’t know exactly what to do to solve a problem I’m facing in the moment, it’s enough to anchor into the belief that I have the capacity to figure it out. I don’t need to have all the answers—but I do need to believe that an answer exists, and that I have the ability to find it.
Instead of scattering my focus into a messed-up imaginary future where everything is falling apart, I bring my attention back to the present and remind myself that I have the intelligence and common sense to figure out how to get to where I want to be. I can learn new things. I can come to new conclusions. I can navigate my way through life—and I don’t have to have all of the answers at the outset. Is it a perfect, linear process? Absolutely not. Still, I keep returning to this idea, and it helps me find my way forward.
Looking back, what’s one thing you would do differently?
Wow. When I look back and think about what I would have done differently, it’s a long list. On the other hand, I wonder if I would have landed here without my exact life experiences, and I like my life right now. I guess the one thing I would have done differently is something I’m still working on: not beating myself up while learning new things. I would push back on the shame of “You should have known better. You should have done x or y.” That’s a tough one. The idea that we should be perfect can be a stumbling block for high-achieving people. I still don’t like the idea of failing, but there’s no other way to evolve and learn.
Can you recall a moment in which you faced a roadblock in your progress but decided to push past it?
Roadblocks come up all the time. I feel like this is the norm. In late 2015, I decided that I wanted to be 100% debt-free. At the time, achieving this goal seemed highly unlikely—not impossible, but it just seemed like it would take forever, and I’m not always the most patient person. At the same time, I wanted to achieve this goal more than anything. I was completely obsessed with it. The roadblocks and frustrations were constant—too numerous to recount here—but I kept going. Pushing past roadblocks is not always a triumphant, arms-in-the-air, “Rocky” kind of experience. Sometimes it looks like crying, whining, complaining, etc. The key is to keep going.
Is there anything you would like to share that we haven’t asked?
Life delivers lessons every day. Some days are better than others. Some days, we’re tired and overwhelmed. On other days, we feel like we can take on the world. If you’re frustrated and exhausted by your circumstances, don’t worry about trying to be super positive overnight. Just start with a very quiet sense of curiosity: given that there is an answer, what might it be? Gently begin to ask yourself questions. Stay curious—about your beliefs, your behavior, and the life you’re living right now.
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