More Than Makeup - ART! - MakeupLove By LaVonne
About my company:
MakeupLove By LaVonne is a makeup artistry business based in Wilmington, Delaware, founded by freelance makeup artist LaVonne Tynesha. Boasting over 15 years of experience as an artist, LaVonne is passionate about all things beauty and continuously strives to learn and develop her skills. Working with her clients individually, LaVonne guides them through the beauty process and crafts every look to suit their skin tone, texture, and tastes. LaVonn'es mission is to provide clients with not only a great makeup application, but also an excellent experience.
In the beginning, what motivated you to become an entrepreneur?
Doing makeup for me started as a hobby. What motivated me to become an entrepreneur or at least start to take my business more seriously, was a few different reasons. In 2011, I was laid off from my corporate job, so I really needed to find something that could supplement my income. I have always believed in having multiple sources of income and turning your passion into a paycheck. I really enjoyed doing makeup and meeting new people and I felt makeup could be a good side hustle.
Can you recall a moment in which you faced a roadblock in your progress but decided to push past it?
Yes, there was a time that I felt very stagnant and my business wasn't growing. Since I work a full-time job, I didn't put a lot of focus into my business. I felt overwhelmed and unsure if I wanted to give 100% to one job over the other. Sharing my work and the fear of being judged by others stopped me from showcasing my work. I decided I was going to do both and put more time into my business by advertising and being more present on social media. My business started growing and my work started to improve as well.
For other women thinking about starting a business in the make up industry, what is your biggest lesson or take away you can share with them to keep them encouraged when their motivation is at its lowest?
I would share with them that there is room in this industry for all of us. Everyone has their own style of makeup and someone will like your style over another artists style. Be confident in yourself and never stop learning and growing.
Is there anything you would like to share that we haven’t asked?
Next year, my company will be celebrating 10 years. Over the past 10 years, makeup has changed so much and it will continue to change. My advice to myself and to others is to stay current with makeup trends. Even though you may not incorporate them into your daily routine, it's good to know how to do them.
Connect With Lavonne:
IG - @makeuplovebylavonne
FB - MakeupLove by LaVonne