Have Faith in Your Vision, Even When No One Else Can See It
Your Vision Has Purpose
“What is meant for me will find me, and what is not will pass me by.”
You’ve tried discussing what is on your heart or mind with your partner, parent, coworker, neighbor, or friend, and their response is not what you expected or necessarily wanted to hear.
It can feel very lonely and isolating when the only person who believes in your vision is you. But, this can also be incredibly liberating. Because ultimately, the only person who needs to believe in your vision is you.
Each person is put on this earth to walk their respective path. You cannot intervene or change someone else’s journey and what is meant for you will simply find you. Think of it like a law of the universe. You may have heard the saying, “What’s meant for you will not pass you,” and it is a helpful phrase to remember when you feel like you’ve been cheated out of an opportunity or looked over for something you believe you deserved. It can help you find peace when you understand that something that passes you by was simply not meant for you.
Try this.
Repeat the following phrase, out loud, five times while standing tall and looking in a mirror:
What is meant for me will find me, and what is not will pass me by.
Take 30 seconds right now to try that out and see how it lands in your body.
How do you feel after that exercise? Do you believe the words as they come from your lips and land on your ears or do you feel like an imposter? Just notice how you feel. There is no good or bad way to feel. Do not judge yourself for anything that arises in your thoughts. Simply notice those thoughts.
Try repeating this exercise once a day for one week straight. Maybe you complete it in the morning when you wake up or at night before you go to sleep. Or maybe, when you’re feeling lost or out of control, it could serve as a reset for your brain as you feed your thoughts healthy reinforcements instead of leaning into what may be causing that anxiety, fear, pain, discomfort, or worry.
As you move through your days, remember that your vision for your life is valid and you deserve happiness. When you remain true to your authentic dreams and desires, that is when your environment begins to positively adapt for you. We get out exactly what we put in. When you put out worry about your future and get hung up on the idea that people around you don’t understand you or your dreams, it sends the wrong kind of energy out into the universe. Instead, when you trust that you, and you alone, know what is best for you, that is when life and opportunities start to unfold right in front of you.
Stay strong, stay focused, and do not allow other people’s opinions, judgments, and fears to stand in the way of your life and goals.
One of our favorite quotes is by Steve Maraboli. He says, “As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.”
Another great way to think of this is the phrase “rejection is protection.” When something in your life, at first glance, seems to get derailed, it is important to look at it from a different lens or vantage point.
Remember, your intuition is one of your strongest powers, especially as a woman, and it is vital that you listen to your gut and act from that place. You never need someone else’s approval; you only need your own. Act with integrity and the rest will fall into place.
SISU is committed to serving everyday women who are determined to embrace their inner glow. We provide high-quality apparel that matches the strength and quality of the women we serve.