We all have dreams. We all aspire to do more, but what happens when you finally stir up enough courage to step out on faith and start turning your dreams into reality and the obstacles hit? It can be downright discouraging and , in more cases than not , cause you just to throw up your hands and quit. NOT SO FAST BEAUTIFUL - I am here to tell you the fight is so worth it!
Over 10 years ago I transitioned from a life in corporate America to a full - time life of entrepreneurship. Was it difficult? ABSOLUTELY! Do I have regrets? HELL NO! It was the best decision I ever made. I BET ON MYSELF. Over the past 10+ years, I have encountered so many naysayers that told me my ideals would never work, “find something else,” “now is not the time,” and the list goes on and on. I also encountered people that were willing to help me and sold me a bag of rotten goods. All of these exchanges had me discouraged and at times doubting what I knew GOD had placed inside of me as my first steps in walking in my purpose, BUT, I continued to BET ON MYSELF and have faith in what I knew was my path. As I built my confidence and continued working on my business the right people came into my life and restored my faith that I was on the right track and to continue pushing forward giving me guidance, mentorship and introducing me to valuable resources. There were even times when these amazing people had more faith in me than I had in myself and this encouraged me to keep pushing and not give up.
As entrepreneurs, we are pulled in so many different directions and at times, that can be overwhelming and we just want help and guidance on how to get to the next stage and not drown in the day - to - day hustle. This is where things get real, REAL fast, and we can lose sight of our WHY. What happens if there is no one else, what do you do ? This is usually the time many people feel entrepreneurship is just not for them and they start looking for reasons why they should fold. In actuality, this is the time you go back to your WHY and push through. This ideal was planted in you for a reason, if it was easy, EVERYONE would be an entrepreneur. They aren’t. YOU ARE!
Taking the plunge into being an entrepreneur can be absolutely amazing regardless of the obstacles if you remember these few pointer. Trust, there are a lot more but these will get you started:
- Know your WHY.
- Never get discouraged when things don’t work out as you thought they should.
- Share your vision ONLY with those who support and encourage you
- RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH- Knowledge can never be taken from you.
- Be honest about what you don’t know - Take time to learn as much as you can.
- THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY, never give up.
- Have patience
- This is YOUR vision, do not let someone else make it theirs.
The most important tip in addition to these is ENJOY THE JOURNEY! You will only be in this moment once and it can never be duplicated so regardless of whether the path is phenomenal or rocky, enjoy every bit of it. We would love to hear your tips and how you stay motivated. Please leave a comment. You are now part of the Sisu Athletic community you are no longer allowed to be silent!